Monday, December 12, 2016

// the three questions on a woman's heart //

I have been participating in an awesome women's study on Monday nights - Walking with Purpose. The study revolves around helping women find their purpose.  Each week I leave feeling more and more empowered, but this past Monday especially, I heard something that spoke to me.  The three questions that are on the hearts of all women:

  Am I lovely?
Do you see me?
Am I worth fighting for?

Wow.  I can tell you many times that I have asked and re-asked these questions.  Sometimes I find myself asking all three and other times, I tend to ask one more than another.  During some periods in my life, the answers are all a strong yes... but in other, more troublesome times, the answers aren't as clear.  As I have been called to be a mother to a strong daughter of my own, I love these topics because I feel that it prepares me for some of the tumultuous times that all girls go through.

Am I lovely?  Gosh, this question scares me.  My biggest fear is that my child won't see her own beauty and worth.  I strive everyday to remind her that she is lovely, in a million different ways. There is a book by Max Lucado called You Are Special.  In this fictional children's book, there are these wooden people who either wear stars or dots.  Those who are pretty get stars, and those who are chipped, broken, or ugly gets dots.  In the end, one wooden character is covered with dots. Some were given to him for real reasons, and some just because. He meets another wooden person who has neither dots nor stars.  He is fascinated by the fact that every time someone tries to put a star or a dot on her that it falls off.  After a discussion and a meeting with their "maker" he learns that the reasons why her dots don't stick is because she does not allow them.  He learns that WE decide if other people's opinions matter.  If we find ourselves defined by possessions or feelings, then we give others all the control.  Most importantly, we were made in the image of God.  We are not flawed - we are perfect in His eyes.  Teaching kids to know and love God is a great way to build confidence for the future.

Do you see me?  Question two deals with how we as women define ourselves.  If you want to know how you define yourself, then first determine what drives you.  Most often, what drives you also defines you.  This is not uncommon, but one point that our study leader makes is that the root of this question is pride.  For instance, imagine if an accident occurred and you could no longer do what drives you, what would your response be?  For many, they would feel useless and invaluable. The idea that my value depends on what I do or what I produce is one that I have to reject.  Many women that ask this question constantly ask themselves if they could be "doing more" or "doing better".
This of course is the danger - that your self esteem comes from your work. Women who find themselves asking this question care a great deal about what others think of them.  Being noticed and praised is of the highest importance.  So high, that many of these women care so much about what others think of them that they abandon their own conscience. Our study made a powerful point here -

If I spend my entire day working to receive attention and praise from others, 
then there is no time left in the day to offer love and attention to others. 
Instead of needing people to love me, I have more room to love them. 

What drives you... motherhood, work, money?  No doubt the greatest calling in earth is that of being a mother, but motherhood comes with some serious challenges in our own conscience. Many women define themselves as a mother - that means that they view all of their child's successes and failures as their own. In our study, the author made a great point :

Being a good mother does not mean that what your child does or doesn't do defines you.  
Motherhood is one of the greatest vocations, but being a good mother
means that you see the need for a healthy detachment; 
a space where kids are free to be themselves and you are free to be yourself.

I loved hearing this because as a mother, I hear compliments of my child... and I always have a hard time accepting them.  It is surely not me, that is her!  She has her own heart and mind ~ I have tried to lead her, but if she does something well, it was all her.  Perhaps the BIGGEST reason I refuse to take credit for her good acts are because if I take responsibility for those, then I also have to accept the bad decisions that she is sure to make!  

Am I worth fighting for? This question deals with our desire to know that someone would go out of their way for us, sacrifice for us.  We need to know that we are meaningful to someone, enough that they would stick their neck out for us.  It is important that we show our kids this - if we don't, they will search for someone who will.  Showing our children, especially our daughters, that people may hurt them, but God is a god of love.  He fights for us everyday.  

I recently read an article where the author said that "people today are more focused on having than being." 

Ask yourself...

If I lost it all, what would I be?

In Peace,

Friday, December 2, 2016

// eight reasons that you should keep a journal //

Well, this is it!  We are one month away from the new year and for many of us, that means new goals and intentions.  

By now, you have probably spent some time thumbing through your journal and hopefully, you have read through my little introduction.  I shared with you my testimony to journaling because I believe that it is important.  I also went into some detail about all of the research that has been done on the power of journaling!  I want you you to not only get the most out of your Praise & Petition Journal, but the most out of LIFE!

Here are the top EIGHT reasons to keep a journal in 2017:

1. Clarity.  All of those millions of thoughts swirling in your head need a place to rest!  Use your journal as a place to lay down your anxieties and organize what is important in your life.

2. Victory.  Oftentimes in life, I will pray for something until I am blue in the face! And then, when it works out, I just move on.  I never really soak it all up that things are actually working out for the better and that there are millions of small victories in each day! 

3. Future.  Own it!  If you want to do something, start writing about it and give it life.  I journaled about creating these journals, and here they are!  Dream big, and keep it written down.  One of my favorite quotes is by Greg Reid, "A dream written down with a date becomes a goal.  A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan.  A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true."

4.  Self-Improvement.  This is easily the best benefit of journaling.  I often look back on what I wrote and learn so much about myself.  Sure, sometimes I am disappointed, but other times I am proud that I made the right decision. Journaling is private - so write things that you would never say out loud - then reflect on them later.  You may discover quite a bit about yourself.

5. Gratefulness.  The more I journal. the more I realize how fortunate I am.  I try to spend some time each day showing gratitude from the list of topics that I created in your journal - doing that keeps me grounded and keeps this life in perspective.

6. Health.  Studies show that journaling actually improves your immunity!  Keeping a journal strengthens immune cells and actually helps with certain health symptoms.

7. Happiness.  Have you ever just needed to talk it out?  Well, your journal can help you do that, and you can totally trust yourself with your thoughts.  Writing through pain is actually therapeutic.  Although sometimes painful at first, over time the pain goes away and understanding remains.  

8.  Creativity.  Problem solving is done with your left brain, but sometimes we need a creative approach!  Journaling activates your right brain and actually leads to more "a-ha" moments!

Your journal begins January 1st, so get ready!  Keep working on your goals and don't forget that you can download free printable pages of your journal to use in the meantime!

Also, our journals make great gifts for teachers, babysitters, hostesses, sisters, and friends ~ so shop today for Christmas!

Go and live with intention and purpose!


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

// are you that one sheep? //

Just last week I shared my feelings about this calling - this calling for me to create beautiful journals that inspire people to get closer to God and themselves.  Is this my calling?  Am I doing what God wants?  Just as I pressed "publish" on that post, I started seeing signs... everywhere.  But, the biggest came to me this past Sunday in church.

I LOVE the story from the Book of Luke:

Tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to Jesus, but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain saying, 
"This man welcomes sinners and eats with them." 
So to them, he addressed this parable, 
"What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it?  And when he does find it, he sets it on his shoulders with great joy and, upon his arrival home, he calls together his friends and neighbors and says to them, "Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep!" I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over the one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need for repentance." 

While this verse speaks more to mercy and compassion and God's unwavering grace, it also proves that God's logic defies ours, and that he never tires in his pursuit of each of us.  His mercy is like the shepherd with one hundred sheep.  God wants to make use of all of us.  Maybe he chose me to create these journals because he felt that my flaws would inspire similar people to not give up.  Maybe I am that one sheep.  Seeing a perfect person serve a perfect God seems unrealistic for the average person. But seeing someone open up about their shortcomings and still believe, makes seeking him seem possible.  The point is, God does not care either way, he accepts us a imperfect.   

It really got me thinking about this brand that I am creating.  In the past, I have pushed away from many spiritual brands because of the persona of perfection.  I cannot relate to a person who only listens to gospel, always says the right thing, and can recite every verse in the Bible verbatim.  My faith is most important to me, but that does not mean that I do it perfectly.  Similarly, being a good mother is a top priority in my life, but that does not mean that I don't sometimes make mistakes.  It is not fair to say, "Well, if it is important to you, then you will do it right."  The entire way in which this world is designed is to completely throw us off our game - to get us to make the wrong decision.  It has been said before, "strait is the gate, and narrow is the path" - always doing the right thing is hard, heck, it was designed that way!

And, THAT is why these journals are valuable!  I am not sitting over here like, "Journal like me and be perfect!" That would be crazy.  What I am saying is, "Hey!  I have come a long way and I found that when I do this certain thing (journal), I find that I get a lot further a lot faster!"  In other words, don't  be afraid to try it out.  I created a layout that can be as intense or as relaxed as you make it.  I created a platform for intentional, guided journaling.  A place for you to record your thoughts, prayers, regrets, and gratitude.  Spending some time putting your thoughts on paper everyday and reflecting on your growth every once in while is all that I am suggesting.  I simply created a tool that does not intimidate people, it inspires them.

So, in a way, I guess I am like that lost sheep.  I stray at times, but God still sees my value.  He believes that I am still useful and most of all, that I am worthy.  God has set this fire inside of me to show that same idea to you.

If you keep following me and this story, you will see more and more how much journaling has changed me and can change you.  Coming from the girl whose parents famously refer to as "the free spirit", I have a LOT of experience in the "imperfect".  The older I get and the more I purge my thoughts on paper, the more growth I achieve.  With that added growth, I find more responsibility in sharing my stories with others.  The secret is too good to keep!

One last thing... it goes both ways.  If God accepts us, we must accept others.  Don't keep people different from you at a distance, bring them closer :)

In Peace,


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

// the problem with being a christian //

Are any of you watching the History Channel documentary with Morgan Freeman - The Story of God?   We started a little late but it is EXCELLENT!

I got deep into one of the episodes in the series last week.  The basic plot is an investigation into the concept of good and evil in terms of god and the devil.  The initial dogma is based on the Zoroastrian principle that good and evil exist in us all.  They explain that because they both exist in all of us, we must make the decision to choose good. The work of ridding the world of evil is not the job of a messiah, but it is ours.  The work of evil is not the devil, but us.  Therefore, the only way to purge the world of evil is to make the choice to be good.  On the contrary, one psychologist believes that these invisible beings (God and the Devil) must exist.  He demonstrates an experiment by telling kids to play darts alone in a room but that they can't cross the line.  Shocker - they all end up cheating because no one is looking.  Then he tells them that an "invisible princess" is sitting in a chair and watching.  He leaves the room and the second time around none of them cheat.  Essentially, he believes that we need to believe we are being watched to rid ourselves of selfish behavior and make the right decisions.  Now that is something to ponder!

Anyhow, Christianity is a funny thing.  I grew up in a very Christian based household and so did nearly all of my friends.  I can honestly say that I knew very few people without any formal Christian influence.  As I have gotten older, that has changed.  I would venture to say that I am now the minority and the majority of the people I am around have no formal Judeo-Christian belief system. One the contrary, everyone says that they pray - which I dig.

Launching a business that has a spiritual backbone has in it's earliest phase has already proven to have its challenges.  I listened to a podcast about two months ago about launching a business and one of the things that all successful entrepreneurs say is that you will have haters.  Without a doubt, they are correct.  I no more launched my first blog post and people were already questioning what I was doing... am I blogging?  Am I creating stationery?  Am I writing a book? Well, yes and no.  What I was trying to do was be a little vague in an effort to create a little buzz... so much for that!

Then there is the Christian aspect of it all... the question of "Can I really be a representative of a spiritually based business?"  People are quick to suddenly want to know if I go to church, how often, and why.  I am not sure what bothers me more - the fact that some are slighting this business that I have thrown everything that I have into or that they are questioning my faith.  Both hurt.  I get comments like, "I didn't know that you were religious."  Well, it's not really something that you post on Facebook and Instagram.  Most people don't "check-in to church."  Some time ago I read the book "The Spirit of Python" - in this book, the author describes "Python forces" that are attacking us everyday.  One line in particular really spoke to me,

"I don't often feel very wise, mighty, or noble.  In fact, there are times when I feel like I fail God miserably.  In the eyes of the world, that spells failure, but in the eyes of God, it is exactly what he is looking for - those people who will be dependent on him to do mighty things."  

This is so powerful!  We see our flaws as failure, God sees them as an opportunity to prove to those "arrogant in their faith" that anyone can be great.

Regardless of my lack of "perfect" behavior at all times, the major areas of my life are absolutely guided on my spiritual beliefs - those that know me well know this.  The entire discussion brings up an important point.  Why are some people so hard on Christians?  Just because someone sides with a certain faith does not make them any more perfect.  I still make poor decisions, speak too soon, and probably think negative thoughts too often about people that I do not care for - but that is just it... The point is that I make an effort everyday to improve myself and journaling has allowed me to document my growth.  I have decided to use God as my moral model and there is nothing wrong with that.  My absolute favorite author C.S. Lewis says it best:

“To have Faith in Christ means, of course, trying to do all that He says. There would be no sense in saying you trusted a person if you would not take his advice. Thus if you have really handed yourself over to Him, it must follow that you are trying to obey Him. But trying in a new way, a less worried way. Not doing these things in order to be saved, but because He has begun to save you already. Not hoping to get to Heaven as a reward for your actions, but inevitably wanting to act in a certain way because a first faint gleam of Heaven is already inside you.” 

C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

See, the religion that I practice is a religion based on love, peace, fairness, forgiveness, and charity. One word that is mentioned in the Bible more than any other is love.  If we do all things with great love, we cannot be wrong.  If I practice true love then I find it easier to be peaceful, fair, forgiving, and charitable.  But finally, the most fascinating part is this.  You do not have to be a bible wielding, snake stomping Christian to love this line that I have created.  You can be a Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, yogi, agnostic - whatever!  The beauty of these journals is that they inspire ALL of us. How you use yours is up to you!

Not all of us can do great things.  But we can all do small things with great love.
- Mother Teresa

I am so excited about this little adventure that I am on,  On the other hand, launching a business is scary! I am so proud to honor my mom with this little idea and use all of the tools that she and my sister have taught me.



God, as I attempt to go out into this world today, help me to be confident in your peace.  Help me to focus on your expectations of me.  Guide my heart in all that I do and give me a patient tongue for those who may not understand.  May my actions always speak louder than my words.

Monday, August 15, 2016

// Visualize the Prize //

Ever want something so bad that you think you are going to explode?  Well, then you should be visualizing it!
I can remember laying in bed in high school, the night before a big soccer game, and visualizing myself doing something totally awesome.  Sometimes, my visualization would be something that I had never even done!  I just pictured myself doing it and then did it!
When Christian and I were struggling with my infertility, I would just visualize us with a family, and how we would be... and we made it happen through the wild process of adoption.
Two years ago when my husband suggested that I create a journal for people to use like the one that I use for myself, I had to visualize it.  I had to picture myself running a business, calling on retailers, designing covers, and formatting layouts.
I truly believe that if you want something, you have to VISUALIZE it.

How? It is really simple -
- sit down in a quiet space
- close your eyes, scan your brain left and right, then find center
- in that center, create the image - whatever it is
- focus on it, put yourself in with it, watch yourself doing something incredible
- when you are satisfied with how far you went, get up, and go do it!

The mind is everything.  What you think, you become.



Wednesday, August 10, 2016

// Meet Susi! //

A few years ago I was teaching at a high school with over 2000 students - so meeting teachers out of your department was pretty impossible. Fast forward about 5 years - we became friends on Facebook (totally random) and we quickly noticed how much we loved yoga and loathed the struggle of being an unconventional mom. One day I got a message from her and she was like, "Hey! We should meet up - I feel like we missed an awesome opportunity to become friends!" She was right!

Susi is a yogi, an artist, a mom, a teacher, a dreamer, and a doer. When she sets her mind to something, it happens. Today I want you to meet this source of light and hear how she creates time in her day for some meditation, gratitude, journaling, and the creation of some pretty awesome jewels from her new line HoneyBird Jewelry.

Everyone has a story... What is yours?

My story is a journey to find peace.  I had a need to understand what I have control of and how I react to situations and people. This world can send you a lot of confusing vibes but for me, yoga has taught me how to listen and be more in tune with my own thoughts, emotions, and my physical body. I am more able to take a step back when making decisions and notice how I'm feeling so I can take care of myself and therefore take care of those that need me. I have had to forgive people that have hurt me by understanding that it wasn't me who was suffering. It was them and that whole story of pain and destruction wasn't my story, it was theirs to resolve and to heal.

How does meditation help you keep peace of mind?

Meditation helps me to tune in to myself, my thoughts, and my own heart. My emotions become less about the energy of that emotion and more about an awareness of the emotion. I become more present and able to live with the ebb and flow of life.

What role does journaling play in your daily practice?

I don't know my own thoughts until I begin to write them down. Journaling allows me to reflect and notice patterns of thought, habits that may be holding me back, or put ideas into concrete thoughts and establish goals for growth. I've used a form of visual or written journals since I was in high school.  Sometimes I draw or write down words that come to mind, other times I just begin writing and see what emerges.

Where do you find inspiration?

I'm inspired by bad ass women like Miss Priss who opened Vesta Movement, my friend Laura who designs and manufactures purses by hand of incredible quality (Very Fine South), and my teacher Neda who started Tough Love Yoga where so many people have found a community and a place to grow and transform through yoga.  That is where I learned to love myself and to go after my dreams and make shit happen. I am also inspired by my friend Hope Cross Dezember, the beautiful soul behind Hope for Steve - a foundation for her husband who was diagnosed with ALS.

How do you stay positive?

I know that life is a journey, life is a delicate dance of ups and downs and I know that change is really the only thing that we can be sure of and I try to go with the flow. Everything that happens in life - every person is there for a reason. Even really hard times are meant to be a lesson to help you get to your most authentic self. And who doesn't want that?

What is your favorite beauty secret?

My favorite beauty products by are Beautycounter. Their products are gentle on my skin, toxic-free, and smell amazing. My skin has never looked better!  Aside from that, art and yoga are my beauty secret. It's what keeps me feeling young, happy and confident. I think that's what is truly beautiful about a woman. 

What are you grateful for today?

I'm grateful for the incredibly strong and creative women in my life that are helping to guide me as I launch my new line of jewelry. They have all stepped up to offer me help, advice, and even materials that I may need. I have so much support right now and am reminded daily of how lucky I am to have the family and friends that I have who are always lifting me up. Even my son is involved, he helped me come up with my business name, HoneyBird Jewelry.

We love Susi!  Please follow her on Instagram @honeybirdjewelry to see her handmade collection of necklaces and other fun stuff.  Also, if you must know, we are planning a collab on a new project involving... wait for it... yoga journals!

* Also, if you truly want to see good overcome evil, head over to Hope for Steve and read the amazing story written by Steve's wife, Hope.
* If you are in Atlanta, take a tour of Tough Love Yoga or catch one of Susi's classes!
* Support small businesses and check out Very Fine South for the most BEAUTIFUL handmade leather bags on the planet
*To kick some serious booty, check out Vesta Movement
*As always, check out my website to purchase your OWN Prayer & Gratitude Journal at Elizabeth Edmiston Paper

Monday, August 1, 2016

// Favorite Meditation App ~ Headspace //

It's Meditation Monday!  Today I am sharing my ultimate favorite app for meditation - Headspace.
I love this app because it offers easy, guided, ten minute meditations.  The Headspace guru, Andy, walks you through the process helping you to get the most out of it and it doesn't hurt that he has the voice of an angel.

One suggestion that he makes in the very beginning is to make meditation a habit - so you should choose a time to do it everyday.  For me, I do my meditations in the morning.  I start my coffee and head over to our sitting area and launch the app. Ever since I started spending my first ten minutes of the day in meditation, I have felt a HUGE difference in my mind and how I carry on with my day.
Meditation clears my mind allowing more space for creativity.  After I finish my meditation, my brain feels ALIVE!  It is like I can feel all the synapses firing giving me clarity, ideas, and happiness.  Then I go to my journal and set my intentions for the day :)

Headspace has a super clean design and the interface is very user friendly... oh, and it is FREE!  When you first start the app, it gives you a great animated tutorial on how to start.  Then, you begin with the 10 minute exercises.  Once you complete your first ten, then you can begin unlocking deeper meditation experiences.  The deeper experiences focus on health, relationships, and other topics that you do eventually have to subscribe to and pay for.  Some of those topics get even more specific -some focusing on addiction and even creativity.  Get this, they also have a kids series!

The benefits of mediation have been well researched and science backs it up.  Headspace promises that you will smile more, have better focus, stress less, love better, eat better, and best of all, sleep better.  I promise you that it is all true!

Go download it and let me know what you think!



Thursday, July 28, 2016

// Friday 5 - A Well Watered Woman //

Errrrrrmagawwwwdddd.  It is Friday. Not just any Friday, but the last Friday before school starts!  (At least here in Atlanta)
I will be poolside today soaking in the last hours of summer and am trying to get my head in the game for this upcoming school year.  At times when I get overly busy, I start to lose touch... lose touch with home, my spouse, my purpose, my faith, and my hair and nails.

A while ago - and I mean like a year ago, I read an article on the Five Attributes of a Well-Watered Woman.  It was so powerful to me as to what it truly means to be a woman who "lives from her roots", a woman who regardless of how busy she is or overwhelmed she is, still can be fruitful.

Here are the Five Attributes:

1.  I am going to be generous... especially when I feel that I can't afford to be.

Not just money, but time, love, and energy.  

2.  I am going to live vulnerable... even though others may scoff or take advantage of me.

In this world, sometimes being a woman is to build a wall and close yourself off.  I try to remember that being vulnerable and occasionally getting hurt beats being cold and removed any day.

3.  I am going to guard my heart by protecting my ears from the world's noise.

I CAN'T with Facebook these days.  People constantly sharing articles on airborne diseases, tipping dressers, child snatchers... you name it.  This means sometimes making the tough choice of turning it all off and having a little faith.

4.  I am going to be a servant.  This is what it truly means to be great.

Many may not know this but I am a teacher by day.  I teach in a high school full of kids that the world will tell you 80% will fail, 50% will be dead by the time they are 25, and 60% will turn to a life of crime.  I will be honest, I don't have to go to this job but I chose to.  Each time I consider leaving, teachers and students remind me of all that I have influenced.  I do it because I am good at it and I consider it a service.  I consider myself a servant.  Many of you can't go teach, but you can use your talents to serve.

5.  I am going to trust God to come through for me.

I will just leave this one right here.

Here's to being Well Watered ~
Have a great weekend!

Peace & Love,


Article Cred to

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

// I am Grateful for... Google //

One of the pillars that my business is built on is the concept of gratitude.  I am not picky either, I will show gratitude for anything that gets me from one point to another... even Google.

I just finished my first ever trade show at AmericasMart!  I debuted my prayer and gratitude journals in the Write-On category which is home to all things paper and stationery.  Throughout the show, shoppers would walk by and swoon over my booth.  I was super proud of it!  Many would come in and take a look around even though they weren't even buying stationery products.  While this completely warmed my heart, I felt that I owed it to everyone that this was not a professional build.  It was the valiant effort of my husband, myself, and a lot of Google.

When I first decided to do a show I knew that my booth had to be ON POINT.  I wanted hard walls and the space to feel airy and clean.  Christian and I in our 11 year marriage have owned a total of four homes.  Each of them being historic homes in need of lots of love.  We have torn down walls, installed kitchens, built decks, and done some light plumbing and electrical.  We felt well prepared to build three walls, but...

Turns out, building three walls that can stand alone with no support is a little challenging.  We could have built them with supports in the back but then that would eat into our space.  At trade shows, if you are given a 10x10 booth, you must have all of your display within the confines of that space.  So, if we used 12-15 inches in the back for support, we would lose a ton of actual floor space inside the walls.  Building a booth with three walls is like building a house of cards.  Then there are all the confines of the show that you must meet - nothing can be over eight feet (so it can fit in the elevator), certain tools are prohibited, and the booth cannot in any way attach to any parts of the building.  Lastly are the creases.  Since our booth was built out of panels, getting them to align perfectly made me want to pull my hair out.  Unlike drywall, you cannot mud the creases and sand them out.

We decided to go with a panel design.  We built fifteen panels each about two feet wide and a little under eight feet tall.  We started with eight feet of height but remembered that we had arm lights that would go higher, so we had to cut it down.  It was a constant struggle.  You have to think of EVERYTHING.  Then there is the one part we kind of overlooked... Where are we building this thing?  So, for two months we had this structure in our living room.  In fact, it was in two rooms - the wall was so large that we had to build it around some existing columns just to fit.  It was crazy.  We went through so much drama trying to get it perfect and it was really taking a toll on me.  I had moments of psychotic crying and total regret and then I would come back to it and be so proud of what we had done.  Go figure! The funniest part was that my five year old had no idea what it was for... when we left for the show, she said, "Good luck selling your walls!"  Ha!

In the end, the booth looked AMAZING.  The gratitude wall that I installed for shoppers to write on was a hit!  Buyers loved my candy and many felt that the space was super zen.  I won't bore you with all of the thousand details that we mulled through to build it (bring a bottle of wine over and I will tell you the whole process) just know that we were ultimately nominated for Best Booth in my category!  I didn't win though (pfft) ;)

We left our first ever trade show with FIFTEEN new retailers!  I am just over the moon excited that my prayer and gratitude journals will be spotted all over this country during this holiday season for everyone :)  I am grateful for you all... and Google.

Peace & Love,


My 5 year old deserves a promotion for sure...

Trying to get walls to stand strait in a 100 year old house...

I mean, there was no room for this thing!

What I saw every time I walked in my house

View while cooking - perfect!

My shopping partner
My calligrapher helped with my gratitude wall and it turned out great!

On our way ~ Move in day!

Move-In day!  The lights went off so we had to work in the dark!

Strict security at AmericasMart... 

Day one!  I was so nervous!

I loved our table set up!

Floral arrangement from Candler Park Flowers here in Atlanta - LOVE

Eeeek!  So pretty!

Buyers were LOVING our keepsake boxes - all journals arrive in them!

The wall!

Nomination for Best Booth!

had to get some custom M&Ms

Attempt at a Panoramic

Move-Out day... bitter sweet

Saying goodbye :(

Monday, July 25, 2016

// Meditation Monday //

Mondays are hard.  That is why we are going to start a new series on the blog ~ Meditation Mondays!
We hope to share some of our favorite tips and inspiration for stress free meditating and how your prayer and gratitude journal can assist in documenting it!

First and foremost, ANYONE can meditate.  You do not have to be in the lotus pose in a cave in Nepal to be able to benefit from the practice - although that sounds awesome!

In our Praise & Petition Journals, I have created a space for a morning meditation and mind setting activity each day.  I think it is SO important to command your mornings.  I am strongly against rolling out of bed and looking at my phone or reading emails.  I have found that waking before everyone else, heading downstairs, getting a cup of coffee and spending about 10-15 minutes alone in peace and quiet helps me set the stage for my day.  Most days I use this space to write what I am feeling but other days I may feel overwhelmed and decided to meditate and journal that experience there.  Once I am done with my morning practice, then I read emails.  Reading them after meditation makes you more proactive, not reactive.  Command your day!

Here are three tips that can help make meditation less intimidating :

1 ~ It only takes a few minutes
You do not have to set aside thirty minutes for meditation... you can achieve huge results in just five!  I rarely time myself, I just start and stop when I am ready.

2 ~ Any position will do
Please people, you do not have to be in some special pose.  The commonly used "lotus pose" is only recommended because it helps you keep your focus and keeps your lungs in the best breathing position.  You can benefit from meditation while standing, laying down, or sitting in a chair at work!

3 ~ Just focus on breathing
The hardest part about meditating when I first started was clearing my thoughts!  I felt anxious just sitting still when I had a million things to do.  The best way to stay on track and clear your mind is to BREATHE.  Focus on breathing, pay attention to how it feels, take note of your lungs expanding and contracting, envision air moving through your body and feeding your organs.  Envision light bright air entering in your body and dark air moving out. After a minute or two, you will see a huge difference.

So, there you go!  Three easy tips for meditating.  Try them out and let me know what you think!



Tuesday, July 12, 2016

// This is it! The WHAT, HOW, WHY and more! //

Ahhhh. The art of the perfect tease.  Welp - I didn't quite nail that!
A few weeks ago I went all over social media about the launch of the biggest thing in my life  ~ promising fun teasers.  Sorry.  Basically, starting a business is the HARDEST THING THAT I HAVE EVER DONE and I completely underestimated my ability to wear 10 hats.
Currently, I am:
~ website builder
~ graphic designer
~ chief design officer
~ logistics coordinator
~ production sourcing specialist
~ President of Sales
~ Social Media Consultant
~ Trade show booth builder (?)
~ Assistant to the CEO
and I just didn't have much time left to be the marketing guru I wanted to be...
Nonetheless, what I have created is still awesome and I CANNOT wait to tell you all about it!


I get messages every week asking me, "Girl!  What are you up to?" And while to some I have revealed this project - to many, I simply have responded, "something awesome".  Well, it is here!  I have created a line of journals!  These are not just any journals, these are gratitude journals, prayer journals, and meditation journals. They are dated, semi-guided, and goal setting.


I know what you are thinking... journals?  YES!  I have been keeping a journal for as long as I can remember.  I have a closet FULL of old journals with tattered edges and full of ink.  Over the years, the way in which I write has change a lot.  When I was younger, I wrote a lot about school, friends, and sports.  In college, I wrote a lot about my family.  As an adult, I write a lot about the world and my revelations and experiences.  I write a lot for others - often filling my pages with prayers for people that I know, and even those that I don't.  I always strive to document gratitude in my journals.  This world is eternally broken, and finding tidbits of good are important to keep me stable.  Many times I have sought a journal that was perfect for this type of reflection and writing - and have not found anything.  I either find notebooks with blank pages or journals that are extremely guided and try to control my thinking.  Several years ago I created my own method.  I have used it for a while but about two years ago while sitting on my couch in my living room I told my husband that I wished that someone would just make a journal like I want, you know, pretty and stuff.  Well, his response rocked my world...  "Make it yourself!"  That sounded noble :)  I started the process and before long I was so deep into it that sometimes I felt I couldn't even see the end.  Finally, it happened.  Here it is - the journal that I have always wanted!  


I looked around for a journal to write down my prayers, gratitude, and meditations – but only found blank notebooks. I wanted something more, something with more structure, something more contemporary, and something more purposeful. I designed Praise & Petition as a journal to record my prayers so that I could look back on them and reflect, give thanks, and oftentimes refine my direction. I created this journal so that I could set goals. I wanted a place to write down my thoughts, my needs and my blessings. I wanted a place to remind me that even when my day is going well, there is still much to pray about. I wanted a place to reflect on my day, and focus on the tiny bits of perfection in it – a place to show gratitude. I wanted words of wisdom on all of the pages, much like my mom would offer me every day. I wanted it to be mobile – small enough to carry with me through the day yet big enough to be useful. I wanted it to be manageable, hence why I created it in six-month increments – because who can keep up with a year anyway? Most importantly, I wanted a place to go back and look through my prayers and see how they were answered. This is it, a journal that works the way my mind works.


As I started designing these perfect little pages I realized that most of my personal journal writing was either a praise in the form of gratitude or a petition, a prayer or desire for something.  That is how I came up with the name - Praise & Petition.  I am so excited about these journals!  I have created two beautiful covers designed to appeal to different folks and am feverously launching a social media campaign that I hope to use to inspire people to use their journal daily.  So, without further adieu, here it is... the official website:

I know you have a million more questions so I would LOVE for you to click around my site and read about us!

Thank you to all of you who have encouraged me ~ I love you all!  MUAH!


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

// no "I" in team... //

I would be a total liar if I said that this project was solely me.  Yes, I had the vision, but it ended there.  I knew that I needed a team, and by that... a graphic designer.   I interviewed a few locals here in Atlanta and most of them seemed awesome but I felt that they didn't fully understand my idea. Many of them worked for huge agencies that I felt really limited their creative flow.  What I needed was someone freelance - a true creative.  Someone who designs because they LOVE it.

I spent a few months not committing to anyone and pretty much giving up.  I took it as a sign that maybe I shouldn't be doing this.  Then one night I sat up in bed at like three in the morning and remembered a graphic designer that I met through a mutual friend.  I reached out to her but she didn't have the time for a new client - however, she thought she had the perfect person in mind - a mutual design friend of hers.  She said that they had done some Minted work together and felt we had a lot in common.  The only catch was... she lives in the Philippines. I thought, well how is that going to work?

So, I sent her an email and we scheduled a Skype convo.  My first impression... I loved her!  She was the cutest little thing and I loved that her kids kept jumping on the screen of our conversation and so did Bailey!  It was perfect!  I thought, we are totally going to get along.

Her name is Ramoncita and she literally has the HARDEST job.  She has to be able to take what is in my crazy head and turn it into something beautiful on paper.  Lol!  If you know me, then you know how hard that must be.  She also has the most unbelievable work ethic.  We are 12 hours apart so often times I am sending her emails after noon here and it is one, two, three in the morning there.  Without fail, she always responds.  I literally send her pictures of things that I imagine that I have sketched on paper and she brings them to life.  It hasn't been without flaw (on my part). I definitely have learned a TON about the design process all together.  For instance, she would finish my edits in a PDF for review and I would approve it.  Then she converts the file to AI or Vector to send to my printer.  Just before I hit send - I usually notice something that I want to change and I send her an email (which arrives to her around 3am in the Philippines) and she responds!  She did have to eventually let me know that once she converts the file, you can't really change things unless you go back to design mode, make the change, save, re-convert, etc...  which is a TON of work!  I literally did this a dozen times and her patience has been second to none!  Ramoncita has been a blessing and I look forward to many more projects together!

A week or so ago I told her that I wanted to interview her for my blog and she was so nervous!  She is a true creative and prefers to be alone in her art or with her family.  I didn't ask too many difficult questions but still believe that I got enough to give everyone a glimpse into her life :)
So, without further adeau - I introduce Ramoncita - the artist behind it all!

Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I'm Ramoncita! I am from Cebu, Philippines and I work as a freelance graphic designer.  I consider my life and family very simple.  I speak 3 languages - Visayan, Tagalog & English (but my native language is Visayan).  I'm a graduate of Architectural Drafting.

When did you first discover your artistic talent?
When I was in high school.  I really loved painting and wanted to study Fine Arts but it is quite expensive. 

How would you describe your style?  Where do you find your inspiration?
Any style?!!!?!! Everything is part of the art process.  Anything that comes up in my mind - beautiful or ugly!  My inspiration totally depends on my mood. :) 

What is your favorite design tool?
I have so many!  I truly love using all art supplies! I utilize anything that produces art, doodles & colors.  I love using pens, my computer, pencils, sketchbooks, paint brushes & colors. I primarily use Illustrator and Photoshop. I recently have gotten into calligraphy and love brush pens.  I am super excited to get my ipad pro and apple pencil soon. They will be very nice for patterns, drawings, and doodles.

How do you select what projects you’ll work on?
I don't necessarily select projects to work on.  I commit to any project that I am proposed as long as I'm capable to do it.

You seem to do a lot of work involving spirituality. How does spirituality play a role in your life?
Bible verses and prayers help my inner mind to have peace.  I find that studying and doodling these passages lighten my mind during troubles, trials, and pains. I believe that my spirituality gives guide to my spirit & soul.

How do you work prayer and meditation into your daily life?
My family & I always go to church every Saturday or Sunday. We spend time reading bible verses and the daily novena.  I make a habit of writing bible verses everyday - it is soothing.  We visit the Blessed Basilica del Sto, the NiƱo de Cebu Church, and several others two to three days during the week to visit and pray.

Anything that we missed?
I have a very simple, normal life.  Sometimes I'm boring - sometimes funny - sometimes serious - sometimes emotional - sometimes moody... hahahaha.  I love to eat and go to the mall. Many days I stay at home together with my husband and kids.  I love to spend time in local coffee shops, often working there. I prefer to choose one place just to focus on my painting, drawing, doodling, and writing.

We love Ramoncita!  Follow her on instagram @aticnomar
or follow on Facebook @AticnomarDesign

