Friday, December 2, 2016

// eight reasons that you should keep a journal //

Well, this is it!  We are one month away from the new year and for many of us, that means new goals and intentions.  

By now, you have probably spent some time thumbing through your journal and hopefully, you have read through my little introduction.  I shared with you my testimony to journaling because I believe that it is important.  I also went into some detail about all of the research that has been done on the power of journaling!  I want you you to not only get the most out of your Praise & Petition Journal, but the most out of LIFE!

Here are the top EIGHT reasons to keep a journal in 2017:

1. Clarity.  All of those millions of thoughts swirling in your head need a place to rest!  Use your journal as a place to lay down your anxieties and organize what is important in your life.

2. Victory.  Oftentimes in life, I will pray for something until I am blue in the face! And then, when it works out, I just move on.  I never really soak it all up that things are actually working out for the better and that there are millions of small victories in each day! 

3. Future.  Own it!  If you want to do something, start writing about it and give it life.  I journaled about creating these journals, and here they are!  Dream big, and keep it written down.  One of my favorite quotes is by Greg Reid, "A dream written down with a date becomes a goal.  A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan.  A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true."

4.  Self-Improvement.  This is easily the best benefit of journaling.  I often look back on what I wrote and learn so much about myself.  Sure, sometimes I am disappointed, but other times I am proud that I made the right decision. Journaling is private - so write things that you would never say out loud - then reflect on them later.  You may discover quite a bit about yourself.

5. Gratefulness.  The more I journal. the more I realize how fortunate I am.  I try to spend some time each day showing gratitude from the list of topics that I created in your journal - doing that keeps me grounded and keeps this life in perspective.

6. Health.  Studies show that journaling actually improves your immunity!  Keeping a journal strengthens immune cells and actually helps with certain health symptoms.

7. Happiness.  Have you ever just needed to talk it out?  Well, your journal can help you do that, and you can totally trust yourself with your thoughts.  Writing through pain is actually therapeutic.  Although sometimes painful at first, over time the pain goes away and understanding remains.  

8.  Creativity.  Problem solving is done with your left brain, but sometimes we need a creative approach!  Journaling activates your right brain and actually leads to more "a-ha" moments!

Your journal begins January 1st, so get ready!  Keep working on your goals and don't forget that you can download free printable pages of your journal to use in the meantime!

Also, our journals make great gifts for teachers, babysitters, hostesses, sisters, and friends ~ so shop today for Christmas!

Go and live with intention and purpose!


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