Thursday, July 28, 2016

// Friday 5 - A Well Watered Woman //

Errrrrrmagawwwwdddd.  It is Friday. Not just any Friday, but the last Friday before school starts!  (At least here in Atlanta)
I will be poolside today soaking in the last hours of summer and am trying to get my head in the game for this upcoming school year.  At times when I get overly busy, I start to lose touch... lose touch with home, my spouse, my purpose, my faith, and my hair and nails.

A while ago - and I mean like a year ago, I read an article on the Five Attributes of a Well-Watered Woman.  It was so powerful to me as to what it truly means to be a woman who "lives from her roots", a woman who regardless of how busy she is or overwhelmed she is, still can be fruitful.

Here are the Five Attributes:

1.  I am going to be generous... especially when I feel that I can't afford to be.

Not just money, but time, love, and energy.  

2.  I am going to live vulnerable... even though others may scoff or take advantage of me.

In this world, sometimes being a woman is to build a wall and close yourself off.  I try to remember that being vulnerable and occasionally getting hurt beats being cold and removed any day.

3.  I am going to guard my heart by protecting my ears from the world's noise.

I CAN'T with Facebook these days.  People constantly sharing articles on airborne diseases, tipping dressers, child snatchers... you name it.  This means sometimes making the tough choice of turning it all off and having a little faith.

4.  I am going to be a servant.  This is what it truly means to be great.

Many may not know this but I am a teacher by day.  I teach in a high school full of kids that the world will tell you 80% will fail, 50% will be dead by the time they are 25, and 60% will turn to a life of crime.  I will be honest, I don't have to go to this job but I chose to.  Each time I consider leaving, teachers and students remind me of all that I have influenced.  I do it because I am good at it and I consider it a service.  I consider myself a servant.  Many of you can't go teach, but you can use your talents to serve.

5.  I am going to trust God to come through for me.

I will just leave this one right here.

Here's to being Well Watered ~
Have a great weekend!

Peace & Love,


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