Monday, August 1, 2016

// Favorite Meditation App ~ Headspace //

It's Meditation Monday!  Today I am sharing my ultimate favorite app for meditation - Headspace.
I love this app because it offers easy, guided, ten minute meditations.  The Headspace guru, Andy, walks you through the process helping you to get the most out of it and it doesn't hurt that he has the voice of an angel.

One suggestion that he makes in the very beginning is to make meditation a habit - so you should choose a time to do it everyday.  For me, I do my meditations in the morning.  I start my coffee and head over to our sitting area and launch the app. Ever since I started spending my first ten minutes of the day in meditation, I have felt a HUGE difference in my mind and how I carry on with my day.
Meditation clears my mind allowing more space for creativity.  After I finish my meditation, my brain feels ALIVE!  It is like I can feel all the synapses firing giving me clarity, ideas, and happiness.  Then I go to my journal and set my intentions for the day :)

Headspace has a super clean design and the interface is very user friendly... oh, and it is FREE!  When you first start the app, it gives you a great animated tutorial on how to start.  Then, you begin with the 10 minute exercises.  Once you complete your first ten, then you can begin unlocking deeper meditation experiences.  The deeper experiences focus on health, relationships, and other topics that you do eventually have to subscribe to and pay for.  Some of those topics get even more specific -some focusing on addiction and even creativity.  Get this, they also have a kids series!

The benefits of mediation have been well researched and science backs it up.  Headspace promises that you will smile more, have better focus, stress less, love better, eat better, and best of all, sleep better.  I promise you that it is all true!

Go download it and let me know what you think!



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