Monday, August 15, 2016

// Visualize the Prize //

Ever want something so bad that you think you are going to explode?  Well, then you should be visualizing it!
I can remember laying in bed in high school, the night before a big soccer game, and visualizing myself doing something totally awesome.  Sometimes, my visualization would be something that I had never even done!  I just pictured myself doing it and then did it!
When Christian and I were struggling with my infertility, I would just visualize us with a family, and how we would be... and we made it happen through the wild process of adoption.
Two years ago when my husband suggested that I create a journal for people to use like the one that I use for myself, I had to visualize it.  I had to picture myself running a business, calling on retailers, designing covers, and formatting layouts.
I truly believe that if you want something, you have to VISUALIZE it.

How? It is really simple -
- sit down in a quiet space
- close your eyes, scan your brain left and right, then find center
- in that center, create the image - whatever it is
- focus on it, put yourself in with it, watch yourself doing something incredible
- when you are satisfied with how far you went, get up, and go do it!

The mind is everything.  What you think, you become.



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