Tuesday, July 12, 2016

// This is it! The WHAT, HOW, WHY and more! //

Ahhhh. The art of the perfect tease.  Welp - I didn't quite nail that!
A few weeks ago I went all over social media about the launch of the biggest thing in my life  ~ promising fun teasers.  Sorry.  Basically, starting a business is the HARDEST THING THAT I HAVE EVER DONE and I completely underestimated my ability to wear 10 hats.
Currently, I am:
~ website builder
~ graphic designer
~ chief design officer
~ logistics coordinator
~ production sourcing specialist
~ President of Sales
~ Social Media Consultant
~ Trade show booth builder (?)
~ Assistant to the CEO
and I just didn't have much time left to be the marketing guru I wanted to be...
Nonetheless, what I have created is still awesome and I CANNOT wait to tell you all about it!


I get messages every week asking me, "Girl!  What are you up to?" And while to some I have revealed this project - to many, I simply have responded, "something awesome".  Well, it is here!  I have created a line of journals!  These are not just any journals, these are gratitude journals, prayer journals, and meditation journals. They are dated, semi-guided, and goal setting.


I know what you are thinking... journals?  YES!  I have been keeping a journal for as long as I can remember.  I have a closet FULL of old journals with tattered edges and full of ink.  Over the years, the way in which I write has change a lot.  When I was younger, I wrote a lot about school, friends, and sports.  In college, I wrote a lot about my family.  As an adult, I write a lot about the world and my revelations and experiences.  I write a lot for others - often filling my pages with prayers for people that I know, and even those that I don't.  I always strive to document gratitude in my journals.  This world is eternally broken, and finding tidbits of good are important to keep me stable.  Many times I have sought a journal that was perfect for this type of reflection and writing - and have not found anything.  I either find notebooks with blank pages or journals that are extremely guided and try to control my thinking.  Several years ago I created my own method.  I have used it for a while but about two years ago while sitting on my couch in my living room I told my husband that I wished that someone would just make a journal like I want, you know, pretty and stuff.  Well, his response rocked my world...  "Make it yourself!"  That sounded noble :)  I started the process and before long I was so deep into it that sometimes I felt I couldn't even see the end.  Finally, it happened.  Here it is - the journal that I have always wanted!  


I looked around for a journal to write down my prayers, gratitude, and meditations – but only found blank notebooks. I wanted something more, something with more structure, something more contemporary, and something more purposeful. I designed Praise & Petition as a journal to record my prayers so that I could look back on them and reflect, give thanks, and oftentimes refine my direction. I created this journal so that I could set goals. I wanted a place to write down my thoughts, my needs and my blessings. I wanted a place to remind me that even when my day is going well, there is still much to pray about. I wanted a place to reflect on my day, and focus on the tiny bits of perfection in it – a place to show gratitude. I wanted words of wisdom on all of the pages, much like my mom would offer me every day. I wanted it to be mobile – small enough to carry with me through the day yet big enough to be useful. I wanted it to be manageable, hence why I created it in six-month increments – because who can keep up with a year anyway? Most importantly, I wanted a place to go back and look through my prayers and see how they were answered. This is it, a journal that works the way my mind works.


As I started designing these perfect little pages I realized that most of my personal journal writing was either a praise in the form of gratitude or a petition, a prayer or desire for something.  That is how I came up with the name - Praise & Petition.  I am so excited about these journals!  I have created two beautiful covers designed to appeal to different folks and am feverously launching a social media campaign that I hope to use to inspire people to use their journal daily.  So, without further adieu, here it is... the official website:

I know you have a million more questions so I would LOVE for you to click around my site and read about us!

Thank you to all of you who have encouraged me ~ I love you all!  MUAH!


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