Monday, May 2, 2016

// Making Mom Proud //

Eeeeeek!  Have you ever had that feeling like you are so excited that you are literally going to BURST? That is me – right now.

Last year I decided to take some time off from blogging about our family and instead completely engulfed myself in an idea that quite literally came to me in a moment of daydreaming.  For the last twelve months I have been tirelessly working with a graphic designer on an idea that I am unapologetically proud of and know is making my mom do the happy dance up there in heaven.

I have always been a daydreamer.  The problem with my daydreams is that often times they are stressful. All that jazz about relaxing in a hammock and letting your mind wander is crazy.  If my mind wanders, I start stressing about life and all the ridiculousness in it.  That all changed when I met an acupuncturist who spoke to me about visualization.  I told her that I do visualize but that I always end up somewhere that I don't want to be!  She then explained to me that I am not visualizing, I am daydreaming.  She said,

"Katie, daydreaming is useless activity that your brain participates in 
that leaves you no where better off – Visualizing on the other hand is productive.  
Visualization is seeing yourself doing something, completing something, defeating something.  
Daydreaming for most people is negative, but visualization is positive."

From that point on, I have worked to train my brain not to daydream but to visualize. This visualization process evolved into spiritual meditation.  Those meditations became conversations. Those conversations became life-changing.

This year-long journey working on this project is all because of my desire to document, journal, and grow. It started with something that I have always done – write, and ended with a beautiful tool :)  When deciding what to call my little project, I felt I owed it to the one who has taught me everything that I know - my mom, Elizabeth Edmiston.

Ahhhh!  I am so excited to share this labor of love with all of you!

This blog is a temporary home for my thoughts while my official website is being worked on.  Please follow along to find out more!  It's going to be awesome! --------------------------------------- >



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