Wednesday, October 11, 2017

// what do we need to give up //

For years I have read blogs, Facebook articles, and magazine clippings highlighting ways to "simplify" your life and lately I am wishing that I would have paid more attention.  Most of these articles are geared towards moms who find it hard to manage all of the day to day tasks with being an effective mother and human.  I have never looked too hard into them because I honestly have always felt that I had it all together.  Talking to other moms whose heads were literally spinning made no sense to me... until now.
I have no idea why, but in the last few months, I have felt like a maniac!  To give you some perspective, let me tell you about all the hats that I wear:

- business owner
- teacher
- mother
- wife
- maid
- laundress
- soccer coach
- travel agent
- driver
- fundraiser
- friend
- lawn maintenance extraordinaire
- daughter
- sister
- general contractor

I am sure that I am missing some, I will remember when someone sends me an email and tells me that I missed a meeting or when my daughter tells me that I forgot to send her to school with something.  Geez.  So yeah, I am busy.

Many things on that list I cannot just give up.  I am driven as an entrepreneur, I love teaching, motherhood is my calling, I take pride in being a good wife, I hate being the maid but hate messes even more, I should have passed on the coaching but it is too late, I hate planning vacations but I NEED them, if I quit driving no one will get anywhere, fundraising keeps me grounded, my friends give me LIFE, I actually enjoy yardwork when I have the time, I don't talk to my dad nearly enough, and my siblings may have forgotten who I am... Oh, and my husband bought a second house that I am in charge of.

So, last week, I started really feeling crazy.  I don't know what exactly caused it, but I LOST it.  I started crying and went to bed alone at like 730.  The next day, my husband starts prying, "What is going on?"  At that moment I finally admitted,

"I am doing too much."  

So, like a man, he wants to fix it.  But the truth is,  I don't even know where to start!  So, I decided to sit down and go through my roles and see where my stress was coming from.

Here are three take-aways from that session:

1. Our children's schools ask way too damn much.  Yes, I want to be involved, but SERIOUSLY.  This is crazy!  I spent 5 years at home with Bailey preparing her for school, and now that she is there, all I get is emails about additional stuff to do!  I know for a FACT that my mom never did any of it, especially with five children.  I mean, dress up day, class gifts, conferences, field trips, box tops, fundraisers, teacher appreciation, out of uniform money, field day, carpool, aftercare, BLAH BLAH BLAH!  It is insanity.  What ever happened to going to school, learning, and coming home.

2.  Social media has lost it's novelty.  I used to LOVE social media... until I started a business.  Now all I do is stay awake trying to come up with "content" because no one wants to just look at pictures... Really?  I love pictures!  Go figure.  I miss the days of trolling exes, now everything is business and it takes a ton of my time.

3.  Communication has gotten too complicated.  I feel like everyone in the world is trying to complicate a truly simple thing - communication.  When I want to tell you something, I call or text you.  Simple.  Now, businesses, schools, work and clients all want to come up with new ways of communicating whether it be apps, websites, portals, or transcendental meditation!  I mean, COME ON!  Just send me an email or text, hell, write me a letter!

So, these are the three biggest contributors to my disorganization: over-complexity, time suckers, and poor communication.  Now, time to fix.
  • I deleted Twitter and Snapchat (Pinterest may be next) and am focusing all of my efforts to Facebook and Instagram. If you want to know about my business, that is where you can find me.  
  • As far as my child's school, I am working on a time that I can set aside to check all her 500 portals daily.  I tried early morning and that doesn't always work and evenings can be touch and go.  Still looking for recommendations on that.  
  • As for communication, maybe I am trying to communicate with too many people.  So, for now, I am focusing on my little family.  As I get more comfortable in my new routines, I will begin adding more people. In the meantime, if you need me, call or text me.

I would LOVE to hear about your struggles to stay sane and some suggestions about how you juggle all of your roles.  Women, stand in solidarity.