Tuesday, April 18, 2017

// rebirth //

There is a billboard right off of I-20 here in Atlanta that reads,

"Your past does not define, it prepares."  

I drive past it at least twelve times a week, and every time I read it, it is as if it were the first time. I know too many people that struggle with the scars of their past.  I have friends who have divorced and feel that they could never know love or better yet marry again, others who struggle with the guilt of abortion and wonder if they even deserve to be a mother now, and people who have battled addiction for years, and wonder if they will ever be cured.
This life is hard. It can be difficult to find healing, peace, and resolution. But, let me tell you that there is hope, a hope that YOU can be reborn.
Every spring the plants are reborn with fresh blooms and every winter they whither away and go dormant. This is the cycle of life.  Even us, HUMANS, go into dormant periods - and just like the flowers in the spring, we too can experience rebirth.
That billboard is a constant reminder that whatever your past. whatever your pain, whatever your affliction, there is hope of rebirth for you! These struggles are preparing you for greater things... greater peace, greater love, and greater strength.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

// perfectly imperfect //

The other week I tried out a new yoga studio with a friend.  I prefer hot yoga because something about walking out of there soaking wet with sweat makes me feel accomplished.

Anyhow, the instructor was awesome.  She had this presence that was inspiring.  Yes, she talked us through the poses, but in between discussing form and function, she carried on with an inspirational message: perfectly imperfect.

As she walked us through the hardest seventy five minutes of my life, she applied this phrase to our yoga practice, life, friendships, relationships, spirituality, EVERYTHING.  It really made me realize, that everything in my life is truly perfectly imperfect... and, I like it.

If you get on social media, all you see is perfect!  For me, I follow industry leaders and influencers and they all seem the same.  Perfect house, perfect white walls, white couches, architectural chairs, organized shelves, and beautiful fiddle leaf trees.  It is really exhausting. I look at my house and see dog hair tumbleweeds, fingerprints on the walls, handprints on all the doors, grey couches that if you could see all the stains you would die, pen marks on all my chairs, and a dying orchid.

But you know what? This house is full of love.  These dogs are loved more than is probably normal, those fingerprints and handprints are the result of excitement from a thriving six year old, those couches have seated dozens of friends and family, those chairs serve as a craft station for a little artist, and well, the orchid... it had a good run.

It is hard to feel successful when there are all those perfect people out there.  So, my message today is this... stop.  You will never catch up, and it doesn't even matter.  Do what makes you happy.  Be a blessing to someone in this life.  Raise happy children in a stress free home.  Create a space where people feel comfortable.

Maybe one day my house will look like museum, but for now, it is a home... our home.  And we are all just fine with it being perfectly imperfect.


My perfectly imperfect