Monday, March 27, 2017

// 36 things about ME //

Ahhhh!  Today marks my 36th year on this Earth and in honor of that, I am sharing 36 things about me ~ some serious, some funny, some quirky, and even some embarrassing!

1.  French Fries are my love language - I have never met a fry that I didn't like.

2.  I have been a nail biter all of my life!  I will literally bite them until they bleed ~ in light of that,
I have worn false nails since 9th grade!

3.  I was a History Major.  
I actually never liked studying history until college ~ 
my professors were so good at teaching and bringing the past to life!

4.  I am the youngest of 5 children - 3 boys and 2 girls.  

5.  I have been a competitive athlete my entire life.  
I played traveling soccer and softball from 5th-12th grade.

6.  I have asthma.  
When I was younger, I always had bad asthma attacks, 
but now I just wheeze when I eat things that I am allergic to.
I don't leave home without my rescue inhaler.

7.  I really want to love oysters, but I can't.  
They disgust me.  People always look so cool eating them, but I just can't do it.

8.  I LOVE the beach!  
I went to college at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, but I won't go in 
past my knees!  I do not play when it comes to sharks or jellyfish.

9.  My husband Christian and I started dating my freshman year of college, but 
have known each other since 9th grade.  We have been together 18 years, 12 of them married.  
We truly share a soul.  Co-dependancy is real people.

10.  I hate texting.  If people text me, I usually just call them back.

11.  I cannot sleep in silence.  I have to have a fan or diffuser going.

12.  I love pickles but can't stand the seeds.  I cut the guts out of pickles before I eat them!

13.  Clutter is Enemy #1.  
I don't care how "clean" the house is as long as there isn't stuff laying around!
I have thrown out so many important things during spells of "violent purging" of clutter.

14.  I rarely cook.  I don't enjoy it and loathe the mess.  Christian does all the cooking.

15.  I am naturally a brunette.  
I have been coloring my hair since 9th grade and it just keeps getting blonder, and blonder, and...

16.  I love spicy food!  Point me towards the spiciest dish!

17.  I bought the first wedding dress that I tried on.

18.  I cannot drink caffeinated coffee.  
I literally get so shaky and anxious that I think I am going to explode! Decaf is my friend.

19.  My musical crush is John Mayer. Yuuuuum.

20.  I cannot touch raw meat, especially chicken.  
It is so gross that I have almost become a vegetarian... but I would probably only eat fries.

21.  I never make my bed. (unless company is coming over)  
But, I do rearrange the sheets perfectly every night before I get in.

22.  I am a Real Housewives JUNKIE!  I watch all of the cities!
I am waiting for a million dollar RH trivia contest, I will win.

23.  I can't stand long distance running.  I am a great sprinter though!
I want to be a runner, but I literally hate it.  

24.  My favorite drinks in order: Margarita (not too sweet), Champagne, Rose.  
I never drink beer - so gross.

25.  I have always wanted to be a weather forecaster.  
I am obsessed with weather and read weather news daily.  
When I am home during the day, I just keep the Weather Channel on!

26.  I get spray tans weekly.

27.  I have been to 11 countries.
Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Spain, Mexico, Bahamas, St, Maarten, Jamaica, Japan and China
We can't wait to visit more!  We are super excited to start taking Bailey with us.

28.  My mother died when I was 28.  
For the first year, I would call her cell phone and listen to her voicemail recording.
Even now, whenever something exciting happens, a part of me tries to call her. 

29.  My life goal is to one day write a book.

30.  I am actually a really good singer!  
In high school I performed the national anthem at a Charlotte Hornets game 
and Amazing Grace at both of my grandparents' funerals -
in college I sang with the traveling Chamber Choir.

31.  I will not leave my house without foundation on.  
I just cannot let people see my raw face! Even to go work out!

32.  I got my first ever cavity this year!  I am still unclear as to how the heck that happened!

33.  I take Epsom salt baths every night and attribute that to why I haven't been sick in 4 years. 
Until this weekend... geez.

34.  My celebrity crush is Robert Downing Jr. ~ Yummy.

35.  Christian and I wanted five kids - we had already named all of them.

36.  We adopted our only daughter, Bailey.  
She was born on Christmas morning in 2010.
