Tuesday, June 7, 2016

// no "I" in team... //

I would be a total liar if I said that this project was solely me.  Yes, I had the vision, but it ended there.  I knew that I needed a team, and by that... a graphic designer.   I interviewed a few locals here in Atlanta and most of them seemed awesome but I felt that they didn't fully understand my idea. Many of them worked for huge agencies that I felt really limited their creative flow.  What I needed was someone freelance - a true creative.  Someone who designs because they LOVE it.

I spent a few months not committing to anyone and pretty much giving up.  I took it as a sign that maybe I shouldn't be doing this.  Then one night I sat up in bed at like three in the morning and remembered a graphic designer that I met through a mutual friend.  I reached out to her but she didn't have the time for a new client - however, she thought she had the perfect person in mind - a mutual design friend of hers.  She said that they had done some Minted work together and felt we had a lot in common.  The only catch was... she lives in the Philippines. I thought, well how is that going to work?

So, I sent her an email and we scheduled a Skype convo.  My first impression... I loved her!  She was the cutest little thing and I loved that her kids kept jumping on the screen of our conversation and so did Bailey!  It was perfect!  I thought, we are totally going to get along.

Her name is Ramoncita and she literally has the HARDEST job.  She has to be able to take what is in my crazy head and turn it into something beautiful on paper.  Lol!  If you know me, then you know how hard that must be.  She also has the most unbelievable work ethic.  We are 12 hours apart so often times I am sending her emails after noon here and it is one, two, three in the morning there.  Without fail, she always responds.  I literally send her pictures of things that I imagine that I have sketched on paper and she brings them to life.  It hasn't been without flaw (on my part). I definitely have learned a TON about the design process all together.  For instance, she would finish my edits in a PDF for review and I would approve it.  Then she converts the file to AI or Vector to send to my printer.  Just before I hit send - I usually notice something that I want to change and I send her an email (which arrives to her around 3am in the Philippines) and she responds!  She did have to eventually let me know that once she converts the file, you can't really change things unless you go back to design mode, make the change, save, re-convert, etc...  which is a TON of work!  I literally did this a dozen times and her patience has been second to none!  Ramoncita has been a blessing and I look forward to many more projects together!

A week or so ago I told her that I wanted to interview her for my blog and she was so nervous!  She is a true creative and prefers to be alone in her art or with her family.  I didn't ask too many difficult questions but still believe that I got enough to give everyone a glimpse into her life :)
So, without further adeau - I introduce Ramoncita - the artist behind it all!

Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I'm Ramoncita! I am from Cebu, Philippines and I work as a freelance graphic designer.  I consider my life and family very simple.  I speak 3 languages - Visayan, Tagalog & English (but my native language is Visayan).  I'm a graduate of Architectural Drafting.

When did you first discover your artistic talent?
When I was in high school.  I really loved painting and wanted to study Fine Arts but it is quite expensive. 

How would you describe your style?  Where do you find your inspiration?
Any style?!!!?!! Everything is part of the art process.  Anything that comes up in my mind - beautiful or ugly!  My inspiration totally depends on my mood. :) 

What is your favorite design tool?
I have so many!  I truly love using all art supplies! I utilize anything that produces art, doodles & colors.  I love using pens, my computer, pencils, sketchbooks, paint brushes & colors. I primarily use Illustrator and Photoshop. I recently have gotten into calligraphy and love brush pens.  I am super excited to get my ipad pro and apple pencil soon. They will be very nice for patterns, drawings, and doodles.

How do you select what projects you’ll work on?
I don't necessarily select projects to work on.  I commit to any project that I am proposed as long as I'm capable to do it.

You seem to do a lot of work involving spirituality. How does spirituality play a role in your life?
Bible verses and prayers help my inner mind to have peace.  I find that studying and doodling these passages lighten my mind during troubles, trials, and pains. I believe that my spirituality gives guide to my spirit & soul.

How do you work prayer and meditation into your daily life?
My family & I always go to church every Saturday or Sunday. We spend time reading bible verses and the daily novena.  I make a habit of writing bible verses everyday - it is soothing.  We visit the Blessed Basilica del Sto, the NiƱo de Cebu Church, and several others two to three days during the week to visit and pray.

Anything that we missed?
I have a very simple, normal life.  Sometimes I'm boring - sometimes funny - sometimes serious - sometimes emotional - sometimes moody... hahahaha.  I love to eat and go to the mall. Many days I stay at home together with my husband and kids.  I love to spend time in local coffee shops, often working there. I prefer to choose one place just to focus on my painting, drawing, doodling, and writing.

We love Ramoncita!  Follow her on instagram @aticnomar
or follow on Facebook @AticnomarDesign

